ESHE 2020

The meeting is over. We thank everyone who presented and participated for making the meeting a great success. We closed the site with everyone's presentations. However, some presentations can be found on our YouTube site.

Virtual ESHE 2020

All of the presentations are already posted (see links above). The interactive part of #ESHE 2020 happens on September 24 and 25 (Thursday and Friday afternoon) from 1 to 5pm Central Europe Time.

Participants will have access to the meeting via links posted here and sent in an email on Thursday morning. During the moderated sessions, a session chair asks presenters to present 3-4 slides: a title slide, up to two question data slides, and a conclusion slide. Then we start moderated questions & answers and discussion of the presentation. The unmoderated sessions will take place in a virtual space meant to replicate the feel of poster sessions. There will be themed spaces where participants can meet, find people, and interact with each other. We ask that presenters have their presentations at the ready so that they can answer specific quetions that participants might have. Where you first meet is listed in the program (see link above).

A general assembly and an election of new board officers will also take place for members during the two day meeting. See below for more information.

There are three presentation formats

  • Standard 'podium' presentations. These are limited this year to 10 minutes.
  • Pecha Kucha presentations. These follow the traditional format of 20 slides of 20 seconds each meaning a presentation of 6:40. There will be again this year a prize for the best student Pecha Kucha presentation.
  • Poster presentations. These can be a traditional poster, but many presenters have also include a video presentation. We have posted links to these in the program and in the abstracts (see the Google Classroom). Again this year there will be a prize for the best student poster presentation.

There are two types of meeting sessions

  • Moderated sessions. The meeting will have four moderated sessions where a number of the papers will be discussed individually. During these sessions, the moderator will bring on-line the presenter who, with the help of the moderator, will step through a 3-4 slide, 2 minute quick summary of the paper. Please remember that the talks are pre-recorded and on-line for a week before the actual meeting. So these quick talks are intended to remind everyone what the talk contained and serve as a starting point for questions and discussions.
  • Unmoderated sessions. These will take place in a virtual space ( where meeting participants can find each other, ask questions, discuss or just socialize. These sessions are intended to replicate the structure of poster sessions, though in this case the presentations are a mix of podium, posters, and Pecha Kucha. We ask that the presenters have ready their presentations to screen share should they be approached with specific questions. We will post a link to this virtual space once the meeting begins.

How to login to the conference platform

Each partipant received an email with a username and password to log into the ESHE Conference web site. We are hosting the conference on a Google G-Suite platform, and so logging into the meeting web site is the same as logging into any Google account. Once you are logged in, you can go to the Classroom to see the abstracts and view the presentations. The first time you enter (be sure to be logged in with your ESHE credentials), you will be asked whether you are a student or a teacher. For this, you are a student.

The following instructions assume that you are using Google Chrome. It likely works with other browsers, but Chrome also likely does the best job managing your login. If you don't have Chrome, you can download it here.

Step 1:
Open Chrome. If you already have a Google account, you may want to log out of all accounts first by clicking on your account in the upper right corner. If you do not have an account or once you have logged out, click where it says "Sign in".

Step 2:
On the Choose Account screen, select "Use another account".

Step 3:
On the Sign In screen, use the login name we sent to you. Normally this should be the same name you use for your contact email with ESHE plus If you have trouble finding this, please contact us at

Step 4:
Now provide your password. Again, we sent this to you in an email. If you have trouble finding this, please contact us at

Step 5:
When you first log in, Google will require you to set a new password. It is important that you use something secure but also something that you can remember for the duration of the conference. Note that it is impossible for us to know your password once you have reset it. If you do have trouble afterwards logging back into the system, we can reset your password. We have also made your normal ESHE contact email address the recovery address for your password. Again, if you have trouble, contact us at

Step 6:
Once logged into Google, you can click on the links in the program or follow the links to the meeting video feed. If you did not log out of all other Google accounts, then you might need to log back in to ESHE each time Google opens a new tab.

Important deadlines

Sept. 24-25, 2020 — Live discussions from 1 to 5pm CET

2020 General Assembly and Board Officers Election

As usual, we will hold a general assembly during the ESHE 2020 meetings. We will open the general assembly when the meeting starts, and we will close it with a live video meeting at the end of the meeting on the 25th. Normally participation in the general assembly is for ESHE members only. At this event we will announce the winners of the student Pecha Kucha prize, the student poster prize, and the results of the ESHE board officers election. We will also do the usual business of reviewing the finances, announcing future meetings, and other general business.

The board officers election will take place on-line during the meetings. Each ESHE member will be sent a link to a web site where they can place their vote. The voting process will remain confidential. The current list of candidates is here.

ESHE Meetings


25-27 September
11-15 September
20-24 September
21-25 September
22-26 September
24-25 September
19-21 September
13-15 September
21-23 September
14-18 September
10-12 September
18-20 September
19-21 September
21-22 September
23-24 September


Marta Gómez Recio & Alba Bossoms Mesa*
Alfredo Suesta Guillen & Marie Vanhoof*
Alejandra Sotomayor Sainz & Igor Djakovic*
Jan Dekker & Hester Hanegraef*
Vanda Halász & Emily Hunter*
Ana Bucchi & Julia Stuhlträger*
Judith Beier & Andrew Sorensen*
A. Pantoja-Perez & H. Fewlass*
G. Oxilia A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo
Paul Kozowyk
Stephanie Schnorr Laura Martín Francés

*Pecha Kucha Prize Winner