ESHE - 3rd Annual Meeting
Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2013

The 3rd annual ESHE Meeting was held in Vienna, Austria. The meeting was hosted by the local organizer Professor Gerhard Weber, from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Vienna. On Thursday 19 September, the eve of the opening of the meeting, a special Keynote presentation was given by Professor Tecumseh Fitch, from the University of Vienna, on the evolution of speech, language and music. The meeting was held on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September in the spectacular Groβer Festsaal and Kleiner Festsaal at the University of Vienna. On Sunday, 22 September an optional excursion was offered to some of Austria’s most important archaeological sites, namely Willendorf and Krems Wachtberg, and included a cruise along the beautiful Wachau section of the Danube river.



A downloadable schedule of the 2013 ESHE Meeting in Vienna is available here: Final Schedule ESHE 2013

Thursday 19 September  
17:00-19:00 Registration
University of Vienna
: Oktogon
19:00-20:30 Keynote Speech- Professor Tecumseh Fitch, University of Vienna
University of Vienna: Großer Festsaal
Friday 20 September  
7:00-8:00 Registration
8:00-8:15 Opening Speech: Jean-Jacques Hublin
President of the ESHE Board
8:20-12:30 Plenary Podium Sessions
Groβer Festsaal
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-18:00 Afternoon Podium Sessions
Groβer and Kleiner Festsaal
18:00-20:00 Poster Session 1: Open Bar
Saturday 21 September  
8:00-11:40 Plenary Podium Sessions
Groβer Festsaal
11:40-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-17:40 Afternoon Podium Sessions
Groβer and Kleiner Festsaal
17:00-19:00 Poster Session 2
19:00-20:00 ESHE General Assembly
An election of the ESHE Board will take place during the General Assembly of the Society on Saturday, 21 September, following the ESHE Meeting in Vienna. Only members of the society, who have at the time of the meeting paid their dues for 2013, will have a chance to vote and only members can be elected to serve on the board. The term is two years and is renewable. The election of board officers will take place during the ESHE Meeting in 2014.
20:30-23:00 Closing Party
A closing party including dinner and drinks will be held at a traditional Austrian wine-tavern or ‘Heurigen’ on Saturday night. The city of Vienna will be covering half the cost of the dinner. Therefore, the price of the closing party is only 20€ per person.
Weingut Fuhrgassl-Huber, Neustift am Walde 68, 1190 Wien
Sunday 22 September  
8:00-18:30 Excursion: The excursion will depart from Vienna at 8:00 and will visit to some of Austria’s most important archaeological sites, namely Willendorf and Krems Wachtberg, and will include a cruise along the beautiful Wachau section of the Danube river. The two buses will return to Vienna at 16:30 and 18:30 respectively. The price of the excursion is 40€ per person. [Click here for detailed itinerary information on the excursion] *Please Note* The excursion is now full.

Wachau Cruise

Student Poster Prizes

This year we were able to offer two student poster prizes of 1500€ each. The winners are:

Stephanie Schnorr
Plant Foods in Hominin Dietary Ecology Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany)
Poster Title: Negligible effect of cooking on nutritional value of Hadza tubers
[Click here for downloadable pdf of this poster]

Laura Martín-Francés
National Research Centre on Human Evolution (CENIEH), Paseo de la Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos (Spain)
Marathon Man: Evidence of Stress Fracture in a Homo antecessor metatarsal from Gran Dolina site (Atapuerca, Spain)
[Click here for downloadable pdf of this poster]

Local Information

University of Vienna For downloadable information on the University of Vienna click here.

For downloadable information on the Department of Anthropology click here.

The 2013 ESHE Meeting was held in the Großer and Kleiner Festsaal at the
University of Vienna. Uni Wien, Univeristätsring 1, 1010 Wien

View Larger Map

ESHE Meetings


25-27 September
11-15 September
20-24 September
21-25 September
22-26 September
24-25 September
19-21 September
13-15 September
21-23 September
14-18 September
10-12 September
18-20 September
19-21 September
21-22 September
23-24 September


Marta Gómez Recio & Alba Bossoms Mesa*
Alfredo Suesta Guillen & Marie Vanhoof*
Alejandra Sotomayor Sainz & Igor Djakovic*
Jan Dekker & Hester Hanegraef*
Vanda Halász & Emily Hunter*
Ana Bucchi & Julia Stuhlträger*
Judith Beier & Andrew Sorensen*
A. Pantoja-Perez & H. Fewlass*
G. Oxilia A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo
Paul Kozowyk
Stephanie Schnorr Laura Martín Francés

*Pecha Kucha Prize Winner