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Graduate Program ARCHEO / GPR “Human Past” / FSAB - Pessac, 30 June-5 July 2025
Link to the webpage: Summer School “Digital Archaeology”
The "Digital Archaeology" summer school is co-organized by researchers from the Bordeaux archaeology cluster's Archéosciences Bordeaux, Ausonius and PACEA laboratories. It aims to give participants an overview of the research themes and analysis techniques employed in Bordeaux, and an opportunity to acquire practical skills in data processing.
This year, participants will be offered a choice of four paths, comprising a common core of compulsory lectures for all, followed by a presentation of concrete applications, followed by practical work.
Thanks to a multi-scale approach, participants will have the opportunity to discover imaging techniques at the scale of the site and the archaeological object (e.g. photogrammetry), the quantification of the shape and configuration of objects (geometric morphometry) as well as the characterisation and quantification of surface roughness (e.g. striations, wear) of archaeological or anatomical objects. In addition, a fourth path will be dedicated to digital approach to epigraphy and more specifically to the creation and the analysis of epigraphic data applying cutting-edge AI tools and 3D models among other techniques.
This initiative is supported by the GPR «Human Past», the «Graduate Program ARCHEO», and the Fédération des Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux.
Slideshows and oral presentations will be in English.